May 30, 2020

Logout and login as administrator user, then try to switch to root using su command: centos-srv login: administrator password: $ su - Password: # Make administrator user as the only a user who can switch to root by adding it to the wheel group and editing PAM service configuration: # usermod -G wheel administrator # Add administrator to wheel How to Create a user in Debian Linux using adduser Command How to Create a user in Debian Linux using adduser Command. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to add users in Debian Linux using Command Line Interface. Debian Linux uses adduser command to create users from the command line. Use adduser command followed by the username to create a new user with the default options. How to create Jenkins user by command line and GUI

Creating a User in Ansible | Servers for Hackers

How to create a new normal user with sudo permission in Oct 11, 2014 Linux Mint Add User – Linux Hint

adduser - Create the home directory while creating a user

Click y to confirm the details and create the user account. STEP 2. You can check the details and account type for the new user from within the Users and Groups console. If you want to delete a user from Mint, you can either enter: sudo deluser in the Terminal or … How to create a new normal user with sudo permission in Oct 11, 2014 Linux Mint Add User – Linux Hint